~ Founder Donnell Seyni


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What is a personal/spiritual life coach?

A personal / spiritual life coach is someone who will assist you (a healthy person) in a process of achieving a higher level in a particular area of your life. This process is interactive and takes a period of time. It helps individuals to develop exponentially and produces rewarding results that were otherwise static if you were on your own. 

Donnell Seyni believes that within every individual contains the many secrets to his/her success furthermore, to assist an individual in unlocking those secrets, it takes an  extraordinary personal spiritual life coach illuminating the God given tools you already have.

Benefits of a personal/spiritual life coach

  • Someone whose total focus is You
  • Someone who is committed to Your success
  • Skilled listener

Why have a personal/spiritual life coach?

  • Growth
  • Accountability
  • Direction

As your personal / spiritual life coach, Iamazing Group will listen and observe to customize a specialized approach to your needs. Together, we will be able to build solutions and strategies that will propel you forward in all your targeted areas of life.